
Thursday, November 13, 2014

Behind the Camera

So, yesterday, with the aid of Pinterest, Google Images, and Buzzfeed GIFs, I put together what I guess is sort of an "About Me" page. I thought it would be fun to post it up here so you could see it, because really, who reads anything but the home pages anyway? *guiltily raises hand*

I am totally addicted to Pinterest. Like super addicted to the point where I have nearly eight thousand pins. It's probably not ok.

and chocolate, but I digress.
I love Taylor Swift. I thought I was over her until 1989 came out. I was wrong. 

Bask in her glory.

I am a total band nerd. 
I play the clarinet.
It's pretty amazing. 

And now here are some band jokes for your public enjoyment. If you get them, I love you. 

I am a HUGE Harry Potter fan! Justa prove it to you, here is the current number of pins on my Harry Potter board on Pinterest.
Are you ready?
So, that should clear up any doubts you might have had. 

Out of all the gifs I might have picked, I chose this one,
I believe I chose correctly. 

I really, really love The Selection series and I read them all in two days. It is a delightful series and one that I recommend. 

Here's a short sample of my bucket list, in case you are interested. If you have any of these things on your  bucket list, hit me up and I will gladly do them with you. 

And oh, that's just a few. 

I'm allergic to peanut butter. It's not as bad as you might think. 

I. Love. Studio. C. If you haven't heard of it, I will introduce it to you. It's a sketch comedy show, but here's the catch, it's all cleanhumor. These people are pretty dang hilarious. HERE is their YouTube channel where they post the sketches after they air on TV. You will be up all night watching these, but they're worth it. 

Ya. I plan to be married in a ballgown-like dress. 

Disney is life, peoples.

AAAAAAAND I'm also a Mormon. It is a pretty fantastic religion and you can click here  to learn more about it.

Taylor Swift and Leah, signing off.

and also check out this giveaway


  1. I think I have tried every fragrance in bath and body work's before but beware, you might not be able to smell anything until the next day :) I would love to own a Polaroid camera =)

    1. That's really good advice. Perhaps I'll try spreading out my usage of the scents. I know right?! My friend has one. I'm totes jealous.

  2. Love this! And I'm totally, completely addicted to Pinterest to too..... I may or may not be on there about every day.... I would actally like to do those too, they sound fun :0) I'll have to try out the "Selection Series"! I also love Harry Potter:0) (The GIF you found is really funny)
    - Zoë

    1. Oooooh, what's your username?! I will totally go follow you and we can be Pinterest buddies together. I know, right?! You really, really should, it's amazing! I read all three books in two days. Harry Potter rocks, man.

  3. Love it! I love Taylor Swift. I used to be addicted to Pinterest but I have sort of stopped these past few weeks. ;D Turns out we have a lot in common!

    Leah <3

    1. That's so cool! Not even including our first names....

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Oops, I think I accidentally deleted my last comment, so I will re-type it ;)

    I loved reading about all the things you like, this is such a great idea! :D That is so cool that you want to run the Disney Princess Half Marathon! My mom is a runner is she is training to run the race next year, and the race seems like it is going to be REALLY cool! :D I also love the old Polaroid cameras, they look so fun! I'd love to have one someday :D

    ★ Shelby-Grace ★

    1. Thanks, Shelby-Grace! Yeah, it looks like SO much fun. Totally, I would absolutely DIE if I had a Polaroid. Did you know they have like, modern ones? You can get them at WalMart.

  6. Awesome! I liked learning more about you! I love Taylor swift too! :)


Don't cuss. It's not ladylike.